Posted on Thursday, July 30, 2009 · Leave a Comment
Or in my case - Home Sour Home. lolz.
Wow, I still can't believe that I'm back in Australia. Nothing seems to have changed since I've left. Well, except for that 60 x 30 cm wide spider web hanging in the corner of my room. Jesus, someone bring a broom please ><'
Let me backtrack. 12pm Los Angeles time yesterday, I was boarding the plane to Sydney. You know how I said the flight to LA was the worst flight ever? Well this one was probably the BEST flight ever cuz it was the new QANTAS airbus. Everything was like, fully high tech and pretty :) The bad part was, I sat next to this Mexican dude who kept coughing and sneezing in my face every minute.
LOL I'm joking, I'm joking. Seriousl, you can take off those latex gloves and mask that you've just put on...
Again, I got my own TV and I watched a few movies during the flight. I watched Memoirs of a Geisha (which was really good btw) and then some of "Shakespeare in Love" and "Atonement". I think I fell asleep after that and when I woke up, there was only 3 hours left of the flight. I spent 2 hours of that time watching Peter Pan :L That boy that plays Peter Pan is so cuuute.. I just want to give him a thimble XD
Tian's dad was at the airport to pick us up after we went through the luggage check. It was funny cuz the bag-checking dude kept looking at our dodgy asian products. He was like, "What is this?" and "Where did you get it?" the whole time. Funny shit man XD. Guess how many luggage bags we had? There were SEVEN big luggage bags + FIVE carry-on bags. My dad took a photo of all our luggage - I might upload that later.
It was nice to see familiar roads and streets again. The streets looked really tiny and squashy compared to LA's freeways. I never noticed that before. Oh, and it was nice to see the driver sitting on the right side of the car again.
Yeh, I got home at 8:35am and right now, its 10:30am. I missed my house, well, to be more specific, I missed the smell of my house :) There's a big gathering of adults and neighbours downstairs in my garage so I don't really want to go down there. & did I mention the SEVEN bags of luggage + FIVE carry on bags that's crowding my living room? Ewww one thing I hate more than packing is unpacking.
It's so strange. All that happened in America now feels like a very vivid dream. Now that I'm sitting in my room, I'm wondering: Did I really go to New York and stand on the top floor of the Empire State Building? Did I really go to Disneyland, San Francisco, Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon, Hollywood AND Manhattan? It sure doesn't feel like it.... Was I dreaming?
Oh yeh, I nearly lost all my photos of America. My dad's laptop crashed at the airport and it wouldn't turn on during the whole flight. He tried taking the hard disk out and putting it in my sister's laptop but it still wouldn't work. Lucky, he fixed it when we got home though. Phew.
Anyway, to round it all up, America was fun. There were so many cool things such as 1000 types of fast food restaurants, fire hydrants, freeways and pretty streets. It was an escape from the real world and was great while it lasted but now, its time to put it all behind. I have to go to school on Monday :( -sigh- isn't that depressing?
Now on to a different topic. While we were in America, something strange happened in my aunt's flat. A man died in one of the rooms and his body was discovered a few days later. The man's neighbours noticed that he wasn't collecting his mail and they called the police who broke into his flat. Isn't that scary?...
Also, I finally got my report and Mr E's comment made me laugh. He wrote, "It is very pleasing to see the quality grade you gained in your elective classes, keep up the enthusiasm."
1. To put it bluntly, music was the worst result out of my entire report.
2. High achievers? Well, no one gets a mark or ranking for that subject.
3. Chyeah, like you totally see me jumping up and down with enthusiasm whenever Ms. H talks in music...
Mr E, you are soooo attentive aren't you? Out of curiosity, did anyone else get this comment cuz I have a feeling he might've just copied and pasted.
Another issue, who is this "Edward" I keep hearing about in people's blogs? >_> Is he a vampire? LOLs. Meh, I don't care anyway, I have a new love. His name is Peter Pan and he wears tights covered in leaves. Sexyyy ;)
Love Cynthia aka Beetroot LOL