Posted on Saturday, July 11, 2009 · Leave a Comment
So much stuff happened on the tour to Vegas. I think I'll split each day into separate posts. Lets start with Day 1
We woke up at 6, got ready and my great-uncle drove us to the coach pick-up place. It was mostly asians there cuz it was an asian tour. In our group, there were also a few american people, some people from Thailand, Australia, Taiwan, France and Portugal, but that was only a small, small percentage.
The tour guide was this spastic dude called Jackson. I hated him -.-'. By the end of the tour, I wanted to shake him and scream but I resisted the urge. I'll explain later. He spoke 3 languages, cantonese, mandarin and fob english. To him, awesome was "arrrrsome".
Anyway, we drove for like 2 hours, then stopped at McDonalds, and then we drove for another 3. It wasn't that boring cuz we watched movies and looked at joshua trees. The view was arrrrsome and I took loads of photos. After the whole drive, we arrived at a ranch that was near the Grand Canyon.
We stayed in cabins that were kind of cramped but cool. There were pictures on the walls about the Wild West. The bad thing was the flies on the windowsill. That was kind of gross.
Nahh, I'm just messing with you. We had a real toilet.
The ranch had kind of gay attractions though, such as some game with horsehoes, fake cow wrangling and the horse wagon.
We then watched the sunset over the Grand Canyon. It was very pretty :)
Afterwards, there was a campfire and the cowboys sang country songs about America. We toasted marshmallows and ate them in a biscuit thing with chocolate :) The campfire ended up going for quite a while until people realised that they had to wake up at 5 to see the sun rise the next day.
There's a hundred other things that I can tell you about but I've gotta end of here. Goodnight :)