Well, I didn't do much today so there's not much to blog about I guess. In the morning, we went to Yum Cha where I nearly died from eating too much. See, I have this overly enthusiastic aunt who seems to think I'm always hungry. Yesterday, she made me a HUGE ham and cheese sandwich which I only ate half of. I felt bad so I chucked the rest in the bin so she wouldn't see. When I went to wash the plate, she asked me, "Are you still hungry? I can make you another sandwich."
Back to Yum Cha. She ordered 10 dishes at once and was like, "That's not all. Just order anything else you want." Later, she kept piling stuff up onto my plate and when I ate one dim sum, she added two more. It was so bad, and no one was there to save me T_T.
Nah, but that aunty is really nice. She owns a jewellery shop and gave me a necklace worth 23 $US for free. Here, I took pictures of her shop:

When she saw me looking at rings she asked me which one I wanted and said she would give it to me for free. LOL. I was saved by my mum.
After that, we went to the travel agent where we booked the tour to NY. I got bored so I wandered into the asian drama/book shop next door. ^^ Look what I found!

It's so weird. So far, I haven't done anything that was like "american". I mean, we've been going to asian shops, yum cha and more asian shops. Like, can't I do that back home, in Cabra? But it can't be helped, I do what my parents want, not what I want. UGGGH! I think we're going to Chinatown tomorrow :(
Last night, some of my mum's old friends came over and they brought their 6th grader son. He seemed to think Australians were stupid and he asked me, "Do you know who Obama is?" LOL. I was like, duh! & then when I asked him if he knew who Kevin Rudd was, he was totally clueless. Ah well, it's not our fault we're an isolated lil' continent. Apart from that, he also asked me why I sounded British T_T'
Oh well, I was willing to put up with that since he's the only person who talked to me here who wasn't my sister or a relative. Actually, not even my relatives talk to me. I have two 18 year old cousins who I don't really talk to. Yesterday, we walked around the block and it was sooooooooo awkwardly silent. I couldn't stand it so I started taking pictures of fire hydrants. They kept giving me WTF looks :L Apparently, there's a very very big mansion up the street. My aunty calls it "the castle".
Here is a video of the neighbourhood:
The houses here are really nice and the streets are just like in the movies. The front of our street has trees arching over it. It's quite pretty...

Anyways, I miss everyone so much. It's so BORING having no-one to talk to everyday -.- Can't believe I'm gonna do this for 4 weeks -you guys are so gonna get bored of my posts. I kind of felt homesick today so I watched Phantom of the Opera :L - that didn't really help though. btw, I'll try to go on msn at 11 pm, which is 4 pm your time the next day. But that depends on whether my msn feels like working. I will now go hang out with my temporary friends, Hannah Montana and Selena Gomez (gotta love disney channel).
Love Cynthia
P.S More random photos:

LOL OMG cant believe you had the same problem with your cousin saying you sounded british LMAO
my canadian cousin thought i had a british accent too >.>"
Let me correct myself, not cousin but family friend LOL soz . :L
==' how could u forget to bring your cell phone. i was gonna text you random stuff. :L
I didn't forget my phone. If I did, I would need to buy a new sim card and plus, it'll cost you a LOT to text me anyways.
to lyanna: LOL. What is it with americans saying we sound british? :L