Posted on Saturday, July 4, 2009 · 2 Comments
This is my last post in Australia - everything I post after this, for the next 4 weeks, will be from America. How strange is that? XD
I will try to record as much as I can but I can't promise anything since we're only bringing one laptop. Stupid mum spazzed at me when I asked if I could bring another one. She was like, "WE'RE GOING TO EXCEED THE LUGGAGE LIMIT! DON'T WASTE SPACE!"
Geez, if you don't want to exceed the luggage limit, then WHY THE HELL ARE YOU BRINGING ALL THAT EXCESS CHOCOLATE FOR?! Use. your. brain.
As I was saying, we only have one laptop and that laptop has to be shared between me, my dad and my sister. My dad's using it to store photos and edit cds and my sis is gonna play internet games on it. That leaves only a little bit of time for me to do what I want. Let's just hope that my relatives have an extra computer....
Some extra details:
- America is 17 hours behind Australia (thanks jessica). That means that if I go on msn at 11 pm, it would be 4pm the next day for you guys (?) I hope I calculated right... If you guys are on msn at 8pm, then for me, it would be 3 am in the morning. LOL.
- The flight is 13 hours. Yay for me. I get to watch POTO 6 times nonstop(!) btw, I'm going on QANTAS. My flight leaves at 1pm (australian time) and I arrive there at 9am (their time) - though you probably don't care.
- I'm not bringing my phone (duh)
- I have my own camera. YES!
- The other reason that I'm exceeding the luggage limit is that I have people in my luggage + one extra super fat person. :L You know who you are...
^^ But besides all those little problems, I kind of feel excited. For some reason, I wasn't that hyped up about the trip this week. I think that was due to the fact that I had plenty of time to feel excited about it before. The excitement just kind of wore off.......LOL. Actually, now that I think about it, I'm only feeling excited about the airplane trip :D Airports are such fun places to be. Don't you agree?
I tried to ask my parents about the schedule. All I found out is that we're going to LA, San Francisco, Seattle, Las Vegas and maybe New York. We're going to be joining tours for most of these, cuz knowing my parents, if we do it alone, we'll probably get lost.Anyway, I'm going off now cuz I've still got some packing to do.
Cyaz <3

:'( Bye bye Cynthia . Don't forget us :D LOLLLL . Have fun :)
Aww thanks :)