Posted on Wednesday, June 24, 2009 · Leave a Comment
I have just escaped from the devil's lair (aka piano lesson). After 45 minutes of my mind being tortured and rendered incapable of anymore thinking, I feel a bit tired... Even my hands are surrounded by the CHILL OF DEATH. I swear I am not exaggerating. I feel like I've been chilled to the core -even my heart has stopped its usual 54 bpm.
This is a conversation that I had with my piano teacher last week:
Me: I'm going to America soon so next week is my last lesson. After I
return, I might stay home for an extra week.
Teacher: Ah yes, precautions for the swine flu?
Me: Yeh
Teacher: Well stay home if you want. I mean, someone as old as me would
probably die from it. *laughs like its the funniest thing in the world*
Me: .....
LOL. I think I was supposed to laugh or take it as a joke but at that time, it wasn't particularly funny.... I mean, she knows she's talking about her own death right?
Anyways, lots of peole have already talked about the high achievers lesson today but I'll just mention some things that they skipped. For example, when I gave in my logic puzzle, Mrs Mayhew said, "See, people with musical ability are logical."
When Jun (boy) gave in his logic puzzle, she said the same thing. LOL. I've heard Jun sing before. He definitely is not musically talented :p
Ermm.. I also learnt that Nancy tends to look at people's bum hair.
Oh yeh, and one of the aeroplanes that were chucked at us said, "Osly is fat". Bonnie unfolded the airplane and wrote something else so that it still said "Osly is fat" but when you opened it up, it said "Osly is EXTRA SUPER FREAKIN fat."
HAHAHA, and can you believe that they call us "high achievers"? What a load of chicken poo.
On Monday, when I went to the opera house, one of the girls that were wearing a rich, private school uniform asked us what school we were from. I told her "Canley Vale" and she said she was from, "St. something-fancy-I-don't-remember"
After school, nancy, tian and I were discussing our school name. We decided to "upgrade" it and this is what we have come up so far:
- Our Children of the Violet Heart high school
- St Charles Victor High (the reason why its CVH and not SCVH, is because we didn't want the ...lesser schools to feel intimidated by us. We decided not to rub it in their faces so we dropped the "S")
MAYBE, these names a bit too fancy... LOL. Let's just stick to Canley Vale High.