Posted on Wednesday, April 8, 2009 · 2 Comments
Not that I would be having much of a holiday... I mean, tutoring doesn't stop and I'm gonna be partially studying for half yearlies. Yeh yeh, call me crazy but a nerd's gotta do what a nerd's gotta do. (jokes)
Seriously though:
I'm still waiting for my EPIC FAIL for science, music and history this year -.-'
Soooo, I had cross country today :) It was tiring and I nearly got lost. You know that hilly part? Well I was running behind kevin and his minder/teacher during that part and I heard the teacher say:
"Kevin, we should've just rolled down the hill..."
Then I started cracking up coz I imagined both of them tumbling down like human sized barrels. But that made me start choking coz my throat was sore from running :( BTW, did anyone see Mr. E's extremely disturbing dancing? *shivers* Oh! That reminds me, everyone better watch the dance finale on sunday. Especially YOU (you know who you are).
I got a veeeery busy schedule in the holidays.
- Monday- Easter Show (?)
- GHPS reunion
- People coming over to form a band at my house :L
- Cousin's 21st
- Othilia's B'day?
- Shopping- For presents, new watch, etc.
- Wanna go ice skating..
- & heaps more other stuff that I forgot.
After cross country today, my roll call sat down and listened to the award presentation. Nancy and I were always clapping after everyone else until we realised that 3 english teachers were sitting behind us and staring daggers into our backs. We also played chinese whispers and passed punches down the line. It was fun.
Some of the things that we said were: "Osly got knocked up", "I raped kittens", "It's Mr. Metwally's (?) baby" and "Nancy sucks".
Easter eggs eaten so far: 8
(hey! most of them were the really itsy bitsy little ones)I will now leave you guys with an easter joke I stole from Rollercoaster.
What do you get if you pour boiling hot water in a rabbit hole?
HAHAHA.. hahaha.. ha...
lame T.T

:L, remember nancy eats rocks ;)
LOL yeh