Posted on Monday, June 20, 2011 · 1 Comment
Eloquence can get stuffed today cause I am NOT IN THE MOOD to write properly.
I brought this on myself though. So technically there's no one else to blame. Well actually I could name one person but they'll be no point blaming them cause they're just doing their job. BUT SERIOUSLY. What am I doing? Why did I even agree to this? Do I even like maths? I honestly don't know. This has been the question that has bothered me for like, forever. If something is easy and straightforward and you don't mind doing the homework for it, does that mean that you like the subject?
I like english. But I don't like writing essays. HELL, nobody likes writing essays. But I do like learning the stuff you learn in english - it makes you think about the world.
Not like maths. When will I ever use complex numbers in everyday life? It's not like I'm gonna go around telling everybody that square root of negative 1 gives you a real plus imaginary number. I guess I don't mind doing maths homework. It's only when the homework gets so hard and asdkfja;sdlfjasd that I start hating it. I think I've just spent 3 and a half bloody hours doing the stupid maths tutoring hw. GAHHHHH. Even caps lock is insufficient for me to express my rage. So this picture shall have to suffice.
Maybe you shouldn't question some things though. It will just give you a headache. Like everytime I ask myself why I'm doing 15 units for the HSC, my head implodes. But its okay, I will have 3 units over and done with by this year and next year, I plan to drop something. Maybe music? Or legal..... I don't really like legal. know what else you shouldn't ask? Is Mexico part of North America or South America? 'Cause that will boggle your mind. Well, maybe not but it did confuse me. I spent half of lunchtime today pondering this really difficult question. But that's just me. I didn't even know Spain was part of Europe until a month ago.
Okay, enough ranting. Let's talk about the serious stuff.
Okay, enough ranting. Let's talk about the serious stuff.
I want to go cow-tipping one day.
I've always known what cow tipping was but just not the exact details and today I found out from a teacher what it really entails. So basically, you go up to a cow right? Then you have to scare it. And once you've scared it, push it over and IT WON'T BE ABLE TO GET UP.
So I have decided. It's always been my dream to go berry picking and have a picnic somewhere idyllic and epic-looking right? Well listen up people. For my birthday this year, we shall pack our picnic baskets, go berry picking and TIP OVER COWS. Then we will make delicious berry milkshakes from the berries we've picked and the cows we've tipped over ('cause all their milk will have been shaken up!). YAY :D
Goodnight fellow bloggers, I shall leave you with the thought of delicious berry milkshakes. Something to dream about while you sleep ;)
P.S. For some really really strange reason, blogger has decided to spite me and not allow me to post comments on people's posts. I've tried more than 5 times and everytime, i haven't been able to post anything. I really want to say hi to some people but I can't :( So I will just say it here? Hi Othilia, I found your blog :D (obviously) and also Hi CC! I hope you're reading this. I wanted to comment on your posts but I can't cause blogger doesn't like me. I hope this problem gets fixed up soon. Otherwise I may need to upload more angry pictures to express my rage.
Shall join ^^