Posted on Monday, September 24, 2012 · Leave a Comment
Second half of the video is gorgeous. If you like the song, you should also check out Beirut's older single, "Nantes", (if you haven't already).
Here, have a picture of the band:
So anyhoo, all the excitement's kind of died down now. I s'pose it's back to studying and slaving over belonging essays... not that I do any. I tend to leave the essays till the very last minute LOL. My mentality is: the closer to the exam date I do it, the easier it is to stick in my mind.
I cooked an egg this morning with Stephanie's frying pan and this is what happened:
So tempted to chuck $10 into the pan and see if I end up with $20.
I've also been spending way too much time on goodreads (again). This is totally unrelated to anything but I really like the cover of this book:
Isn't it pretty? Might not reflect the quality of the book *cough*Fallen*cough* but at least it's easy on the eyes.
LOL okay, that is all.

song of the week