Song of the Week: Not Really a Song

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It's not really a song.... more like a THEME song. But who cares about the song? No one's gonna notice the song - not with an opening as awesome as this.

As I watch this, I wonder, for the 7th billion time, how much money they actually had in their budget. Srsly. Season 1 was like one big, giant, 10-hour movie.

3 Responses to “Song of the Week: Not Really a Song”
  1. Cecilia says:

    You finished season 1 already? Respect. And yeah, it's like a 10 hour long movie...which is why they take a whole friggin year to make just one season T__T

  2. Cynthia says:

    No I have not finished season 1 :L Only up to episode 3. Should've said "Season 1 IS like one big, giant, 10-hour movie. :)

  3. Cynthia says:

    But yeah, doesn't mean I don't want to just sit down and marathon the whole thing.

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