Posted on Monday, April 23, 2012 · Leave a Comment
Sookie Stackhouse would make a pretty endearing character.
.... if she would somehow learn to stop talking about her fabulous boobs every second chapter. It would also help if she would stop obsessing over her "ruined hair" and "nice tan". Also honey, just because your boyfriend is a strong and capable vampire doesn't mean you should cry and wait for him to rescue you everytime you get hurt.
Apart from that though, she ain't that bad I guess. Here's to hoping she exhibits some sort of personal growth in the future.
Oh and can I just say that in the books, Bill is about as interesting as smushed dog poop. (Okay, that may be because I keep comparing everyone to Barrons and Barrons is like ten types of snarky/dangerous/intimidating/sexy all rolled into one). And I can't get over Bill's sideburns. Ewwwww sideburns. Seriously guys. When does all the Sookie/Eric action happen? At this rate, I'm just hoping that Bill somehow manages to drop off the side of the earth or something.