Posted on Tuesday, March 20, 2012 · Leave a Comment
I was reading one of Karen Marie Moning's books (she's romance novelist), when I came across this:
Gwen shrugged, a mysterious smile playing about her lips. "There are lots of legends in Scotland about such stones." She paused. "Some people say they're portals to another time."
"I read a romance novel like that once."
"You read romance novels?" Gwen exclaimed, delighted.
The next few moments were filled with a hasty comparison of favorite titles, female bonding, and recommendations.
"I knew I liked you." Gwen beamed. "When you were talking earlier about the history of all those artifacts, I was afraid you might be the stuffy literary type. Nothing against literary novels," she added hastily, "but if I want to get all existential and depressed, I'll pick a fight with my husband or watch CNN."
Heyyyy.... I see what you did there.... A bit of self referencing eh, Mrs Moning?