Posted on Friday, December 23, 2011 · Leave a Comment
Have you ever dreamt about being best friends to someone you know? In your dream you feel so close and so connected. You know that you can tell them everything and in turn, they will lean on you when they need you most. It's a friendship that everyone else envies and one that makes you feel like the luckiest person in the world. Have you ever woken up from that dream feeling blissfully happy.... and then realised that it was just that, a dream. You then realize that in real life, there is no reason for you to be talking to that person and similarly they wouldn't bother sparing you a second glance because you have absolutely nothing in common with them. Yeah, I just had that dream and now I feel like a big chunk has been ripped out of my life. DREAM, Y U NO LYK ME?!?!