Posted on Monday, December 12, 2011 · Leave a Comment
- Wake up early (at about 6:30)
- Check phone for HSC results***
- Allow about half an hour for a) celebration or b) moment of sadness
- Try to get into the shower before sister hogs the bathroom and a) sing in shower or b) sob relentlessly in shower over another potential year of modern history/history extension.
- Eat breakfast and get into car. (NTS: DO NOT FORGET VIOLIN!!)
- Meet up at school and a) act hyper and happy around friends or b) mope in the corner while they act hyper and happy around me.
- Go rollcall
- Go to hall and sit in a hard, uncomfortable seat for 2 hours. Perhaps read a little bit more of "The Bronze Horseman".
- Have violin rehearsal with Ms M and Year 7s. Force the closest Year 7 to sing by threatening to play violin close to their ear... very close to their ear.
- Have lunch with friends and a) act hyper and happy around them or b) go mope in my sad little corner and mourn the loss of 2 years of wasted effort or c) spend the whole 40 minutes fending off mosquitos with my trusty Aeroguard.
- Go back to hall and sit in a hard, uncomfortable plastic chair for another 2 and a half hours. Stand up occasionally to "make music".
- Go home and a) kick back and relax or b) spend the whole night in my room crying.
***This step may actually be modified depending on my mood. I may decide that it would be better to check the results AFTER school. It may save me a lot of doom and gloom during the day.
But then again, even though people say curiosity killed the cat, I am still a very determined, impatient cat.