Posted on Sunday, October 2, 2011 · Leave a Comment
WARNING: Spoilers about Doctor Who ahead - oh stuff this, no one really cares about spoilers :L (except for me).
I have just finished Series 4 of Doctor Who. Here are my thoughts on the last few episodes:
/end keysmash
Oh I'm sorry, did that not make sense? Here let me try again.
Okay, so when Rose returned in the last few episodes, I nearly cried with happiness. Her reunion with the Doctor after 2 series/2 years is so beautiful. You should have seen my reaction. I was screaming at the TV like a crazy person, going "OMG KISS HER ALREADY, DOCTOR!!"
Just look at their faces :D
And then the Daleks came and shot the Doctor and I was like,
But then everything was alright because JACKIE AND MICKEY WERE THERE, F*CK YEAH!!
The Doctor then saved the world and I was all happy and stuff. But then there was that weird part that went something like this.
"Oh haaiiii Rose Tyler. Seems like we're back in Bad Wolf Bay in Norway, oh what a coincidence! You know what that means right? It means I'm leaving you... again. Oh no! Don't cry! Cause I've got a plan this time. Here look, I've made a clone of myself, now isn't that brilliant? He looks exactly like me and he has the exact same memories of me! You too will have a smashing time here, in this alternate universe. (Just try to ignore that fact that he's made from my hand and everything will be all right). Yes I know it seems very strange but it's actually quite a good solution. You see, this clone of me will grow old together with you, isn't that amazing - Oh my! I see you too are getting along fabulously right now aren't you? Hmmm, it is kind of strange seeing you kiss my clone... in front of me. Well I suppose I should be going now.... Erm yes, you two are still quite preoccupied so I'll just... I'll just leave now. Erm.. okay."
Stupid Doctor. You could've just brought Rose along with you in the Tardis. It would be just like old times! But that's just a tiny little thing that bothered me. After all, we do get to see David Tennant and Billie Piper make out, lol. And that's really all that matters in the end.
So that's it. Goodbye Series 5. Goodbye David Tennant :( Oh gawd, I don't know how I'm gonna be able to watch the next one, the one that's supposed to be Tennant's last episode (?). I really need to stop growing so attached to characters.
You guys know what comes next right? PICSPAM TIME!!!