Posted on Tuesday, August 2, 2011 · Leave a Comment
Half an hour is so totally not enough each day for me to do what I want. In that amount of time, I can only watch a few youtube videos, browse a few sites and blog really really quickly.
There's not much to say.... Um, I'm watching 49 days now, LOL. Yeah, I know what you're thinking, STOP WITH THE DRAMAS YOU FREAK. But don't worry, it's not like I'm marathoning episode after episode. Because I'm trying to stick to my 30 minute rule, I probably only watch like 15-20 minutes every day. So that's what I was doing just then.
I finished an episode today. I quite like 49 days. Obviously not as kickass and slick as City Hunter but I've grown to like it. And I'd decided that nothing was ever going to live up to CH so I should stop comparing. Anyway, I was about to close the window after the ending song started playing when all of sudden, THE STUPID CITY HUNTER PREVIEW CAME ON (49 days aired before City Hunter started airing) AND REDUCED ME TO A WORTHLESS, BLUBBERING MESS. Damn you Lee Min Ho.
GOD CITY HUNTER, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?? JUST WHEN I WAS FINALLY GETTING OVER YOU, YOU TURN AROUND AND STAB ME IN THE HEART. AGAIN. You're like stupid freakin' Edward when he came back to Bella at the end of New Moon. Or Doctor Chris Havel at the end of this season's Offspring. NINA WAS FINISHED WITH YOU, YOU BASTARD.
*deep breath* Yeh, my withdrawal symptons haven't gone away. I think I need therapy.