Posted on Wednesday, July 20, 2011 · Leave a Comment
Eat Sleep Study has become my mantra these days. Kind of like that Julia Roberts movie, but not quite. It is now day two of my internet diet and OH LORD I CANNOT STAND THIS. But I will endure. For the sake of my HSC mark. It will take a miracle to do well in the History Extension exam but I am determined to try. Tomorrow, I will print out a picture of Lee Min Ho and stick it on my wall because LMH is my motivation. Everytime I look at him, his voice will resonate in my head with something like, "You can do this Cynthia. I believe in you. Don't I look gorgeous in these pink pants?"
Okay, that totally doesn't make sense but I guess what I'm trying to say is that Lee Min Ho = hawtness = unattainable perfection = the drive to be perfect = me being motivated to be perfect. Um, okay that doesn't make sense either. WHATEVER. Ultimately, it all comes down to Lee Min Ho's hotness. End of Story.
Dude, give me a break okay? I just spent 3-4 hours studying history extension. I thought I was doing pretty well.... until I went online and read exemplar responses. And then my self-confidence hit a record low and my brain spontaneously combusted from the sheer level of ineptitude-edness. *cry* :'(