Posted on Friday, June 24, 2011 · 2 Comments
Grrrrr, stupid blogspot won't let me comment on anybody's posts. Not even my own! What is this?! What did I do to deserve this?
I just came back from Snez's house. Leanne, Mercy, Snezana and I were working on our project. Actually, it was more like 20% work and 80% mucking around/shopping. We initially went over to Livo to buy stuff for the presentation but got sidetracked by food and toy sales LOL. Leanne and her toy sales. You should've seen her spaz at seeing a Harry Potter Lego book.
By the way Lyanna, I bought a helmet at Big W. If you ever go bike riding, I wanna tag along :D
It was quite fun today though. I learn a lot of stuff from Leanne and Mercy, LOL. Most of it is gossip but it's interesting gossip. Oh and I learnt something that was so bloody hilarious about someone in my grade. I can't say it on this blog because that person might read it here but you can always seek me out and ask me instead if you really want to know. Trust me, you'll want to know.
It's strange how alike Leanne and I are. While we were "working" we decided to test each other on our Harry Potter knowledge and so this turned into a quiz. I would say "Spell that petrifies the whole body" and she would say, "Petrificus Totalus!" Hehe, we are so epic. We were also talking about youtube and I mentioned eatyourkimchi and she was like, "OH MY GOD, YOU WATCH THEM TOO?!" and this turned into a spaz fit where we discussed Martin's obsession with TOP and spudgy's blue fur. Snez and Mercy were just like, okayyyyyyyy, we'll just stick to shopping.
And Leanne has this thing on her phone. It is so epic:
IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE: For those who are interested, we need to organise a Harry Potter midnight screening trip ASAP. Tickets are probably gonna sell out soon and if we don't hurry, we're not gonna be able to go :( And we must go because it is the last Harry Potter.
harry potter
Hi Cynthia :D I am commenting.
LOL Shhh Nancy!! Don't make her jealous ... <>