Posted on Wednesday, November 17, 2010 · Leave a Comment
I like this one:
"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." - Will Rogers
That is so relevant to my dilemma right now- it's creepy. I think I would like to keep that subject but if I am going to do that, I better get a move on cuz at the rate I'm going right now, it's very likely I'm not gonna pass it. And DAMMIT that means I need to start working on the project that is probably gonna be themostannoyingprojecti'veevercomeacross.
Anyways. Well. It seems like I've just signed up to audition for the Glee Club with Jessica. lol. I'm not exactly sure how that happened though... It was like a spur of the moment thing. I swear, we only wrote our names at the last minute of lunch today and like, auditions are tomorrow...huh. Isn't that funny?
It seems like I have the curse of the pregnant teacher. In year 9, Ms P became pregnant. This year, my english teacher, Ms S also decided that she didn't like our class and so she went off to have a kid. And then today I found out that my new English teacher is also gonna pop one out soon. DOESN'T ANYONE WANT TO TEACH ME? I swear, even Mr W is pregnant :@ Okay, maybe not him specifically but his wife is. LOL. I'm just kidding though, I have nothing against babies. Especially if they're little cute Taemin babies. Awww....