LOL song of the week for the Hunger Games fansite,, is "Long Live" by Taylor Swift. Interesting. But they're usually never wrong with their song choices; after all, they're the ones who introduced me to The Band Perry :P
The lyrics actually suit the book really well though, which is unexpected. E.g:
I say remember this moment
In the back of my mind
The time we stood with
our shaking hands
The crowds in stands went wild
We were the kings and
the queens
And they read off our names
Another interesting fact: Malese Jow, the girl who plays Anna on the Vampire Diaries, is another contender for the Katniss role and apparently she wants a copy of that elusive script as well. Hmm.... I like her attitude. Judging from her interviews, she's proven that she's a true fan of the Hunger Games, even placing it above the Harry Potter series. But looks-wise, honestly I don't think she looks like Katniss. But I like that she's interested.
I'm not gonna pin much hope on who's gonna get the lead though. I remember the last time that happened. *GINORMOUS sigh* I'm still not over the fact that Emily Browning didn't get the role of Bella Swan. WHYYY?!
Who do you think should've gotten it? Emily Browning or Kristen Stewart? Best actress award winner or "best kiss" award winner? Sweet girl-next-door or the creepy junkie with the eyebags? *squints meanly at Kristen*

I have a new best friend. It's name is garlie aioli and it goes well with everything. Seriously, I could live on that stuff every day for the rest of my life and still be content. I went Parra yesterday with Elyn, Othilia and Tian and we ate at this Turkish restaurant called Sahara, where I met my new best friend.
Shopping is so tiring. I have a theory on why, in movies, the popular people are usually skinny and pretty LOL. Take Mean Girls for example: the Plastics are the popular/beautiful group of the school right? And in movies, the stereotype is that if you're popular, you love activities like shopping. And since shopping is such a strenuous activing, the more you shop, the more fit you become. Hence the awesome body + popularity. That only goes for movies though. I'm not saying that this applies to real life :L

This is some Hunger Games related news so if you're not interested, you don't have to read this. Haha, I'm not stupid enough to think that the few people who read my blog like, or even know The Hunger Games :) But anyway, I saw this on a fansite and I thought it was interesting so I'll post it here.
Source: Entertainment Weekly
The Hunger Games poses a particularly interesting problem. The book is designed for readers 13-and-up, the same group covered by a PG-13 rating, but this is no Harry Potter. As dark as the later books and films in J.K. Rowling’s series got, and as malicious and evil as Voldemort was, they in no way match the violence and horror of 24 individuals battling to the death as televised bloodsport. Arrows through the throat, spears in the side, faces chewed off by wolves. Add to that the fact that it’s children, as young as 12, on the receiving and giving ends of these attacks, and you can begin to understand how there will probably be some issues translating this story from the page to the screen.
It’s important to note that all this killing serves a very distinct purpose in the books. The Hunger Games is a war novel, and Collins means it to reflect the horror and destruction that accompanies human conflict. No deaths are portrayed glibly, not even those of the villains. But it may be too much to ask the organization that cites “slime,” “quirky situations,” and “intense depiction of very bad weather” as reasons for giving a movie a harsher rating to recognize that distinction. So how will The Hunger Games movie pull off a PG-13?
I imagine it will end up being a tightrope-walk. There’s no way the studio is going to let it get stamped with a scarlet “R,” as that would shut out huge swaths of its target audience, not to mention frustrate millions of fans of the books who will be required to drag along their parents in order to see the film. So violence that was front-and-center in the book will probably happen a little off to the side. When someone gets hit by an arrow, you’ll hear the thunk, but the camera will hold steady on the face of the victim.
In short: There will be blood, but not too much. Even with these tricks, though, there’s still the possibility that the bare premise alone of kid-versus-kid violence will prove too potent for the Hays Code-lite folks at the MPAA. The only thing that’s clear is that the filmmakers have a pretty daunting task ahead of them. Rue’s death, a visually and emotionally difficult scene, will be the real test: Will they be able to make it as much of a punch to the solar plexus as it needs to be? We can only hope so.
I was wondering the same thing myself. When I first heard that THG was going to be turned into a movie, the first thought that popped into my head was "How are they going to show Rue being speared through the stomach?" The thing with The Hunger Games is that its violent, no doubt about that. BUT all that violence has a role in the novel. The scenes are so much more heartbreaking/awesome because of it. Taking out the violence from THG is the same as omitting the peanut butter in PBJ, IT DOESN'T WORK. But anyways... so far the main contender for the role of Katniss is Kaya Scodelario. I don't know her but apparently her fanbase is HUGE and they love her in Skins (is it Skins?)
WELL... judging from that picture alone, she definitely has the attitude...

"The grand essentials for happiness are something to do (check), something
to love (check) and something to hope for (check!)." - Chalmers
Something to do: Watch dramas
Something to love: Watching dramas
Something to hope for: The next drama episode.
Well whaddya know, I am a very happy person :)
Ok, I lied. I'm not really happy. My throat is killing me and I think tomorrow, I'll probably wake up sounding like Miley Cyrus.
The good news though, is that tomorrow is going to be Thursday and:
Thursday = High Achievers + Music
If you want me to break it down even more then:
High Achievers = Bludge; Music = Bludge as well
therefore Thursday = 2 x Bludge
which = awesomeness

Image from:

I am still laughing over the red snake thing that happened today. Especially when Othilia gave one to her brother and he made this kind of squeal/screeching sound after taking a bite. Even his friends laughed at him. LOL. Haha, she is so mean. I also heard about Stephanie and Bonnie giving one to Mr W. He ate it, turned red and then went "OI!" and ran after them but they'd already run down the stairs. Poor Bonnie was getting the evil eye from him when she walked out of HA in the afternoon. Bonnie, I wouldn't go to history tomorrow if I were you. ^^
Random fact: Blue is actually the least desirable colour for foods. For some reason, many people see blue and they think its unnatural so there's an instinctive aversion to anything coloured blue.
- Blueberries
- Blue potatos (no, they are not MOLDY)
- Blue corn (hence blue corn chips and blue tortillas)
- Blue lobsters
- Blue cheese
- Borage flowers are blue and are edible... Apprently they taste like honey cucumber, whatever that is.
- Bilberries (not blueberries. In fact blueberries are less blue than bilberries)
Aww man I suck. Can't think of anymore... unless I name all the blue fish species out there.

"We can do no great things - only small things with great love." - Mother Teresa
I feel like I just woke up from a long, long dream. The whole holidays were spent just... drifting through day by day. I feel like I've been living in a story. Or stories, I should say. Dramas, books, movies, manga, TV shows - all these things made up the bubble that I've been trapped in for the past two weeks. Now the bubble's been popped and I have to go back to school. What I would give to be able to curl back up and rebuild the bubble...
But bubbles aside, first day back was alright. I came early to school and went to the MH room where Ms N was giving out keyrings that she got from LA. It was a bit nostalgic... She'd gone to places like Hearst Castle, Las Vegas and Disneyland. Do you guys remember Hearst Castle? Probably not, I picture blogged about it last July when I was in the US...
Remember? It was probably the only castle I would ever get to go to in my whole entire life. *sigh* And Disneyland too... I would give up EVERYTHING to be able to go there again. I would give up a my iPod, the Hunger Games and every single drama there is out there, HELL I would even give up Taemin!!! *tiny voice* not that he's mine to give up per se...
But anyway, looking through these old posts are like looking through the diary of a little kid, even though most of them were written 'bout a year ago. Sometimes I sounded so lame, sometimes just plain stupid. Wait, what am I talking about? I still sound ridiculous right now. But I guess I've never deleted a post, and I never will. After all, if I was to delete every lame thing that I've typed, this blog would be a big fat collection of NOTHINGNESS.
In some ways this blog is like a diary. Except for the fact that I don't exactly poor out my feelings to it. How creepy would that be? Every post would be something like:
Dear Blog,
Today I went to school. I also breathed, talked, ate and shitted.
Sincerely, Cynthia.
Would you want to read that? No, actually, would I want to write that? How am I to know that what I write stays within these 4 borders. This is why this blog is mostly (not always) only about my interests and random tidbits of my everyday life that manage to stick in my head throughout the day. Or maybe I'm just telling myself that. Maybe, without realising it, what I'm writing it influenced by who I think is reading this blog. Hmm...
Urgh, rhetorical questions give me a headache.
I don't have a thing against diaries though. In year 6, I actually kept a diary and believe it or not, I wrote in it EVERY SINGLE FRIGGIN' DAY for a whole year. No shit, I didn't miss a day. To be fair though, each entry was about 4 sentences long. But still, it was a huge commitment on my part. I'm looking at it right now actually and it makes me laugh, how retarded I sounded. The entries go something like:
Monday 3rd July 2006
"I love the holidays. Tian's mum made potato mash for breakfast and we
watched Spirited Away while we ate. Cathy and I got stuck in the manor while
playing Runescape. I doubt we'll ever be able to come out. I'm sleeping at
Tian's house again."
Ah yes... Runescape. Killing giant rats with our ugly, pixelated characters while the weird yet strangely-catchy music played in the background. Good times... good times.
But then some entries make me feel a bit sad as well. Like the one where I'm all happy that I got into Sydney Girls and the whole entry was written LIKE THIS!!! I also wrote about Tian losing her rabbit. That was sad too.
But anyway why am I blogging about this stuff? Screw the holidays being over, I'm still gonna drama like a crazy person.
P.S. This game is like crack:
Once you start, you can't stop. It drove me crazy in the holidays and I ended up being frustrated at myself for wasting time playing it. LOL.

Haven't done this in a while....
Last night I dreamt that I went to Killa Burgers' with Tian, Nancy, and our isters and brothers. It wasn't the one near our house though. For some reason, this restaurant was situated at the end of a LONG WINDY road smack bang in the middle of nowhere. We arrived there and everyone ordered. Except for me. For some reason, I seemed to have lost my voice and I couldn't say anything. I remember feeling really sad :(
Then we drove back home, with all six of us squished into a normal family car. I'm not sure who was driving but somewhere in the middle of the trip, we ended up back on the LONG WINDY road and this time, the road was full of people from school. It was similar to a parade and some Year 10s were just skipping down the road O_O.
Anyway, there were police patrolling the area and they were doing random breath testing. All six of us in the car started panicking because there were only supposed to be five people to a car. So then, we kicked out Amy and made her ride in some random's car. Heh... sorry Amy.
We then continued driving down the street until we reached a point where cars were not allowed. So we got out and started walking with the rest of the "parade". I remember looking down from a cliff on the side of the road and staring at a river.For some reason, all five of us ended up on the side of the road just watching the parade go past. I think I asked Nancy what we were doing there and she said, "We're waiting for Amy." And then she gave me a look that was like, It's your fault for kicking Amy out of the car. Some Year 10s from school joined us on the side of the road and started chatting about something random. I kept looking at the parade of people, trying to find Amy but it was hard to see with all the banners and streamers blocking my view. I wondered why everyone was celebrating.
And then a bird shitted on me, someone screamed and then I woke up.
It's strange how I remembered this dream so well. Usually, I remember bits and pieces and then find a way to join them all together but this one just stuck in my mind. Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure the celebration was for the start of Term 4 and that scares me.

"There are no secrets to success. Success is doing the things you know you
should do."

I will also miss Mr Emo Hair. Even though he didn't do much besides serving as eye candy, staring at an hourglass and just... looking emo.
I love the Hong sisters. They make everything funny. And they always have these cute spoof moments in their dramas (see below). What other drama has the main guy character running away with his nemesis and leaving the main girl character at the alter?
Ngahahaha, look at Dong Joo's moony look. Priceless.
I will really really really really really miss this drama.

"A puzzle a day keeps the doctor away" - Cynthia the Wise
.... I wish. A puzzle a day just brings the optometrist closer to your door >_>
It's raining right now. And the sky's kind of cloudy. But I really like this weather. It's a nice feeling when its raining outside and you're sitting at home just watching it.... rain.... on other people.
I really like SHINee's new mv. Taemin looks so cute and innocent, I just want to corrupt him... MUHAHAHA. Taemin, you break my heart with your cuteness 8)

Tutor later... Poo. >_>
End of most pointless blog post ever.

Obviously something I DID NOT draw.
Saw this on a Hunger Games fansite and I thought it was interesting so I posted it here.
Tracy LaSalle of Goffstown said her 11-year-old daughter began having nightmares
after reading “Hunger Games,” a novel by Suzanne Collins, in her seventh-grade
The first novel of a trilogy, “Hunger Games” is a story about a
post-apocalyptic future in which 24 teenagers are forced to compete in a
televised battle to the death.
During that battle, the book’s heroine,
Katniss Everdeen, must “start making choices that weigh survival against
humanity and life against love,” according to the publisher’s description of the
LaSalle told the School Board that the book was wholly
inappropriate for her daughter or any other student.
children are pitted in a life-or-death struggle with each other. The reason?
Entertainment. That’s sick,” LaSalle said. “You guys don’t want Columbine, but
you’re putting forth material that will totally desensitize the children to
murdering other children.”
During the Sept. 20 School Board meeting,
LaSalle described several graphic passages in the book where the teenage
competitors kill each other.
“What does that teach as far as honor?”
LaSalle asked. “What does that teach as far as ethics? Where is the moral lesson
in this book that’s being shown to our children?”
After hearing
LaSalle’s complaint, School Board Chairman Keith Allard asked Superintendent of
Schools Stacey Buckley to review the book. Buckley said the book will be
reviewed by a committee at the school, which will issue its findings to LaSalle
and Buckley within 30 days.
“It goes to the materials review committee,
which consists of the librarians, the principal of the building and teaching
staff,” Buckley said in an interview. “They’ll review the material and the
curriculum and determine whether it’s appropriate.”
Allard said
LaSalle’s complaint was rare for the school district, where parents typically
resolve their concerns with teachers or school administrators.
may have been some more informal conversations with parents or something like
that, but this is the first one – at least in the last eight years – that it’s
come to the board level,” Allard said.
LaSalle said administrators at
Mountain View Middle School acted quickly to remove her daughter from the class
where “Hunger Games” was being taught. But LaSalle said she felt the problem was
with the book, and not her daughter.
“The answer to this situation is
not removing my daughter from the classroom,” LaSalle said. “It’s removing this
filth from the school district.”
I honestly can't believe this woman wants to ban it :L Has she even read it? LOL. tsk tsk, book discrimination.
Oh well. It's not like I care. After all, the best way to get people to read a book is to ban it. Right?
BTW: Apparently, Chloe Moretz who played the purple-wigged...girl (forgot her name) in Kickass, is actually a really strong contender for the role of Katniss is the movie production of the Hunger Games. They asked her is she would be interested and she was like, "Absolutely!" Same goes for the Little Miss Sunshine girl. I dunno though... Chloe is WAYY too young and Abigail is just ..... not right. Well hey, at least these people have read the books, unlike Mrs Stupid up there >_>
IMO, this actress would make a good Katniss :), plus she's interested so...

I'm alive.
You won't believe what I've suffered for the past three days. Oh well, I'm okay now.
I know its Spring right now but to me, it feels a little bit like summer. I think Jessica mentioned something in her previous blog post about feeling peaceful while riding her bike of something. Yeh, I know that feeling too jessica :) To me, this song is what it feels like.
So everyone, lean back, close your eyes and just... don't think for a while. Here's One Summer's Day composed by Joe Hisaishi from Spirited Away.

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