Posted on Monday, July 26, 2010 · Leave a Comment
OMGOMGOMG THE COUNTDOWN HAS BEGUN!! Get ready for more Hunger Games hype in my upcoming posts. You've been warned. (more about this down the bottom)
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." - Albert Einstein.
Huh. Go figure.
Y'know sometimes its best to just nod and pretend you understand when really you have no clue. I've realized that I do that a lot these days. Just nod and walk away...
Also, I've realised that the reason I zone out in class is simply because it takes too much energy to look like I'm paying attention.
Today my maths book fell apart on me. A huge chunk of it just broke away so I ended up with like two parts of a maths book during class. Is this a sign? Should I not do Extension maths next year? Psssh nah, I've wasted too much blood, sweat and tears on maths and maths tutoring to just chuck it away. So many hours of my high school life have been dedicated to doing maths. I might as well spend another two years slaving away at it.
Sometimes I wish I had an interest in mathematics, science and economics - subjects that can get you mullah. Oh well, it's not like I need much. As I mentioned before in my LIFE PLAN, I'm just gonna freeload off Tian and Nancy. In exchange for housing and food, I will scrub their toilets for them. Yep; aim high people.
I really like learning about Anne Frank. It's interesting, compared to erm *cough*thegathering*cough*. You know, I think I might be developing a crush on a guy that died in 1945 =3 Peterrrr... LOL. I'M JOKING. I'm eccentric, not crazy.
Speaking of Peters,
More specifically in:
LOL I just wanted to repost this.
IAMSOFUCKINGEXCITED. It's like the twilight series all over again, huh. Not many people know the Hunger Games but its gonna be like one of those super phenomenal worldwide explosions (like Twilight) where its gonna become famous overnight. Just you wait and see.
Oh and I want one of these:
Isn't that awesome?
Last of all, to the people who give a shit, here is a site I just discovered that has cool Hunger Games updates:
It's got book updates, movie updates and even some casting news on who's gonna play who in the movie.