
Skiing, or something along those lines

HAHA, I found this while going through some old photos. Tian might kill me for posting this but oh well, its not like you can recognise her... I think. Manly's the fat one. And my sister is that ugly thing down the bottom that's being squished.

Snowy Mountains - 2006

Well, what's this I see? Tian is wearing PINK?! :O LOL I am so using this for my history assignment.

Oh and before I forget...

My Daily Desktop Calender Quote (DDCQ) for Monday was:

Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy. - Anne

And Monday was when my class started watching the BBC miniseries, Anne Frank. Seriously, what are the odds of that?

Here's the proof if you don't believe me:

Haha, creepy yeh?

To Banjos2ect

This post is dedicated to BANJOS2ECT (& no, the T is not silent)

Ahaha, this post is gonna sound really cheesy, but I just wanted to say thank you.

Thanks for not wanting to kill me these past few weeks when I've whined/worried about stuff. I know I can be a pain in the arse sometimes so thanks for listening :)

Thanks for letting me borrow your stuff. I know, I'm such a wardrobe fail. What would I do without you guys?

Thanks for being there for me when life sucks shit. And life has sucked shit for the past few weeks.

& thanks for being so supportive. Its because I know that you guys will cheer for me, even if I sound worse than when my neighbour sings asian karaoke, that I'm actually gonna be able perform tomorrow. LOL. Thanks guys (L)

Quotes from Wicked

Madame Morrible (to NessaRose): What a tragically beautiful face you

Elphaba: "I'm the other one. I'm beautifully tragic."

Haha, I don't know why i'm remembering this but it makes me laugh. :)

Oh and this one too:

Glinda: You're still riding that old thing?

Elphaba: Yeah, well, not everyone can travel by bubble!


Selina Penaluna

So, a few nights ago, I had this really strange dream. All the people from 10E were at my house... eating my food. People were raiding my kitchen and cleaning out my fridge. I also had people jumping on my couches and trying to pluck the strings off the violin. It was like an infestation (sorry guys) and it was strange.

Geo excursion was not so fun today. It was boring as (except for animal part). Now my school shoes are covered in red dirt and the bottom of my pants are soaked. The beach place was kinda pretty though. All that water reminded me of a book I read recently called Selina Penaluna. It was about a girl who believed she was a mermaid. She'd spend hours staring out into the ocean and calling for her "real" parents to take her back. I think she had a pretty crap life which was why she clung so desperately to those desires. It was heartbreaking.

Anyways, check it out if you want; pretty awesome stuff. May not be your cup of tea, but I liked it :)

Okay, time to stop procrastinating and continue working on the projectthatshallnotbenamed.

Happy Birthday Lee Min Ho, you sexy thang ;)


I want one of those for my birthday. The doll would be nice as well.

Stuff you Omo people.

It took me half an hour to talk myself into ringing you guys to ask about the projectthatshallnotbenamed. And what do you do? You say, "Unfortunately, you have rung at the wrong time. Please call back during business hours which are between 9am and 5pm."

Oi dumbasses, it was 4:30pm when I rang >:@


Tis' a joyous day indeed: My sister's given up on learning how to play the oboe.

No longer will I have to put up with the horrendous sound of a chicken being slaughtered (aka the dreaded oboe playing) and no longer will my ears bleed everytime she takes out that Devil's instrument. HA! Serves her right for choosing an instrument just because "It had a cool name."

She's going to learn guitar instead. LOL. Last time it took her 6 hours to figure out the first few notes of Love Story on my dad's guitar. I wonder how long it'll take to teach her how to play some chords, let alone a full song.

"Happiness is like jam - you can't spread even a little without getting some on

Well if happiness is like jam, then misery is like my attempt at making pasta - sticky to the max and near impossible to scrape out of the container. Yeh, Hannah would know what I mean...

I really should stop blogging about quotes and blog about something else for once :) I remember when my posts used to be as long as an essay. Thinking about it now, how did I manage to find so much to talk about?

Anyway, Stephanie told me today that one of her friends does work experience. Where?
Backstage -
at the Capitol Theatre -

Yes everyone, allow yourself a minute to drown in despair.

Also, Othilia just told me that Claire, the lawyer from Masterchef ... is a homewrecker :O HAHA, betcha you didn't see that one coming.

Okay, I apologise for the totallypointlessblogpost. I think even the post with all my pictures of fire hydrants that I found while in America had a much better purpose than this one.


"The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm."

Well naaahh. If I knew that, I wouldn't have asked for a helping hand in the first place.

Wow, second post of the term. I'm on FIRE :D


Hi invisiblepeoplewhoreadmyblog,

I finished the prac part of my science experiment today. And then I realised that it totally doesn't relate to enzyme activity or whatever it was that it was supposed to relate to. HAHAHAHA.


