Posted on Tuesday, August 25, 2009 · Leave a Comment
My mother your mother live down the street
18, 19 Marble St.,
every time they have a fight
this what they say:
boys are rotten, made out of cotton;
girls are handy, made out of candy;
boys go to jupiter to get more stupider;
girls go to college to get more knowledge;
boys drink whiskey and get more frisky;
girls drink Pepsi and get more sexy
...icky-bicky soda popper --
icky-bicky boo;
icky-bicky soda popper -- i choose you!
It's not quite the version I use but whatever...
God I'm so bored. I'm in the middle of doing my PE assignment but its so hard to stay focused for a long period of time. I keep refreshing my blogger dashboard to see if anyone's blogged but NO ONE HAS. Blog, someone ><'
AND OMG my stupid dad's just come into the room to check on me and he saw me blogging. Right now, he's telling my mom about how I only go on msn and blogger, and that I never do any schoolwork. As matter of fact, I've been writing my PE response for the last 1 and half hours and he chose to come into the room just when I started to blog. Stupid parents.
While we're on the subject of parents and their bad timing, I remember once, when Nancy, Tian and I were watching "Raise Your Voice" with Hilary Duff, someone's mom walked in right at the kissing scene :L I think it was Nancy's mom and she said, "OI! What are you watching?" HAHAHA. She had the whole movie to walk in but she chose THAT EXACT MOMENT to notice what we were watching. lols... Why couldn't she have walked in during the singing part or something?
^^ I used to like that Jay dude. He had awesome hair and a British accent.
old times