Posted on Sunday, July 19, 2009 · 2 Comments
This is day 5 of the tour but I'm blogging about day 2 cuz I didn't have time before... Anyways, here it is, Washington DC. In the morning, we packed our bags and got onto the tour bus. It drove us to Liberty Hall, in Philadelphia where we got security checked and our bags scanned. And get this: we looked at a BELL. Seriously, a bell. Not just any bell either, a bell with a CRACK in the middle.
Afterwards, we drove to Washington DC. I reckon it's the prettiest state that I've been to so far. New York was kinda dirty. Washington DC is kinda like the nerd of states. Its got 13 museums, lots of memorials and the White House.
Spot the yellow umbrella...
We spent 1 and a half hours at the Museum of Natural History which the movie, Night of the Museum 2, was based on. It was the biggest of the 13 museums so that's why we went there. That was probably the most interesting part of the day. LOL.
Lo and behold, the legendary "Hope Diamond", which when you think about it, is so overrated. Look at it, its not even that big.
Museum of Natural History, entrance.
YAY! I saw my first squirrel in America. Isn't it cute? XD. Sorry, going on tour is kinda of making me go crazy. I can't believe I was filming a squirrel but whatever...
Well this is a brief outline of Washington DC. Hope you guys enjoyed it (or not). Anyways, its Sunday over here. I'm going back to LA tomorrow cuz this tour's over and I don't think I'm gonna blog about day 4 and 5 cuz they were kinda boring and pointless...
So, hope everyone's well and enjoying their holidays. BB :)

ROFLMAO! at least i died in a pretty swimming pool thing :D. bring that squirrel home for me? its my new pet
LOL. sorry PrincessBob but I think the octopus got it as well :(