Posted on Friday, July 17, 2009 · Leave a Comment
New York is exactly like the movies. Its loud, its crowded and its kinda dirty. Put on your safety helmet cuz here comes my tsunami of photos and videos.
The flight from LA to NY took 5 hours. When we got off, it was already 8pm at night so all we did was go to the country inn which was in New Jersey, just across from New York.
In the morning we crossed over to New York.
Some places that we visited were Wall St, Empire State Building, the Wax Museum, a big ship, a ferry + the Statue of Liberty. We also went to one of the best McDonalds in the world, Ground Zero and Times Square.
When we got off the ferry, there was stand with a lot of pamphlets. My dad took like everything. I saw one advertising Phantom of the Opera (for theatre) and quickly grabbed it without thinking about it. LOL. A lady with a pram who was standing next to me gave me a weird look.
This is the famous Wax Museum that has more that 200 wax sculptures of famous celebrities.
Apparently, this is one of the top ten McDonalds in the whole world. Its situated in the middle of Times Square. There are small tvs along the walls and the second storey is decorated like a nightclub. I wanted to take a better picture but the for you but there were were too many ppl in there and I didn't want to embarass myself anymore. There was an incident with the cashier lady when I ordered the food that I won't describe cuz I don't have enough time.
The Country Inn
Times Square
For the people who read my posts about Vegas, you would know that the tour guide used a flashing light to guide the group. Well this time, the tour guide used a YELLOW UMBRELLA. It was way more eye catching than the flashing light and you should have seen the stares we got everywhere we went. I wanted to grab it and chuck it over the side of the Empire State Building.
This is Ground Zero. For those who don't know, it was the site of the twin towers before they fell. Ground Zero is in that empty space.
We left New York city at 6pm and drove to Philadelphia, which is in Pensylvania - apparently. We stopped somewhere for dinner and later, arrived at a hotel called the Rennaisance. When I saw the hotel, it looked to good to be for us. I thought the tour guide was gonna do that thing where he shows you a nice hotel and then suddenly turns the bus around and says, "Sorry, that's not your hotel, that crappy one next to it is." LOL, but he didn't coz he was a nice tour guide :)
Also on the bus trip, he told us his room number in advance and said we could call him only in an EMERGENCY. He emphasized the word "emergency" but then said, "However, if you are lonely, I will give you the bus driver's room number and you can call him as much as you like. Talk to him at 3 am in the morning. I'm sure he won't mind."
I'm pissed that I didn't get time to buy some I heart new york T-shirts. We had to rush everywhere to see New York in one day. Sorry people, I tried :(
Anyways, its late now, I've gotta go off. I apologise for the crappiness of this post. I've only skimmed the very top of what happened in NY, so much other stuff and other places to blog about but it would take forever. Everything is jumbled up coz I copied and pasted many parts, it takes too long to drag this pictures into the right place. New York all happened yesterday. Today I toured most of Washington DC, saw the white house and am now in Virginia. I haven't even started on today but I really don't have enough time. Again, sorry and goodnight for now :)