Posted on Tuesday, July 14, 2009 · Leave a Comment
Since I'm going to be gone for 6 days, I might as well blog as much as I can now right? :)
Today, I went to Hollywood. Honestly, it was kind of boring cuz there wasn't much to do. It was so hot outside and there were so many people. We followed the stars and saw a lot of impersonators - many of them kept targeting us cuz 1. we were tourist looking and 2. they liked targeting families. After taking photos with them, you had to pay them. We spent a lot of effort and time dodging them.
This was the Michael Jackson star. I know, I didn't do a really good job of taking a picture but that's cuz there were so many people around it.
I'm still pissed about the whole asian tourist thing. JUST CUZ I'M ASIAN DOESN'T MEAN I'M FROM CHINA. T_T' Today, me and my sister were sitting down at a table outside a shop and a lady who sat near us randomly asked us if we were from Korea. Here's how the conversation went:
Lady: Excuse me, are you from Korea?
Sister: No.
Me: We're from Australia.
Lady: Is..Israelia?
Me: Um no, Australia.
Lady: OH! Australia! Really? Sorry, I just thought people from
Australia were ..... you know...
Me & sister: ??
Lady: People from Australia are ... um... like American.
LOL. I think she was trying to say "white" but she didn't want to sound racist. Tomorrow, I'm going on the NY tour but to tell the truth, I'm not really excited cuz its gonna be another asian tour (+ I'm only spending one day in the actual city). I hate it when the tour guide is fobby and either speaks really crappy english in public or just starts shouting in mandarin. It makes everyone else assume that you're from China.
After Hollywood, my family and aunt took the subway home. Yes, I took photos of the station cuz its not everyday I get to go on it. It was kinda scary in the subway cuz there were all these ppl staring at us and the lady behind me kept coughing and sneezing ><'
Well, that's about all that happened today. After the subway ride, we were all tired so we went home early. & right now, I'm watching reruns of Hannah Montana and waiting for ppl to go on msn :)
