Posted on Wednesday, July 1, 2009 · 1 Comment
Unless of course, you WANT ME to get it and then give it to YOU.
This is the opening of the movie. It's so beautiful, the way everything just transforms when they reveal the chandelier. I really really wanted to post the other song that I liked, but it had spoilers (aka phantom's maskless face), so I didn't. Must... resist...
(Disclaimer: I did not make this video nor am I the original uploader of it. I am also not trying to make a profit, etc, etc. This is the original link:
After TWO WHOLE TERMS of having an ice-cream strike, I finally bought a Gaytime today :) Hooray for me. It was so nice and crunchy and creamy and delicious. The biscuit bits were so sweet and the ice cream practically melted in my mouth. Things do taste better when you wait(although two terms is probably stretching it a bit).
I think Juliana mentioned in one of her recent blogs that I'd finished my maths thingy. She meant the record of exercises that I have at the back of my book. See:
I used American colours without realizing it XD (for some reason, my scanner doesn't scan blue)
Today, we had Ms S for history. UGGH. She told me that I have to go back to the computer room on Friday and print out my typequick results. Dammit, I don't want to go back there. Can't I just tell her my results? What are they even gonna do with those results? Publish a book about the gayness of typequick? Also, this was my last history lesson so next week, someone can tell Ms P. that I caught swine flu or something... Speaking of swine flu, Mr N also thinks I'll catch it. Jeez people, why are you jinxing me?!?!
Btw, booonie, I found the "cynthia sucks" and "cynthia sucks at ripping" bits of paper in my pencilcase >:( LOL
In my last post, I said that my sister made it into Sydney Girls. However, she was also a reserve for James Ruse... & you know what reserve number she is? No. 118. HAHAHA. It was so funny when we got the email. My mum was like, "YOU'RE A RESERVE!" and she was uber-excited - until I said, "Mum, she's number 118..." Basically, 117 people need to drop dead before she gets in & I don't think that's happening anytime soon.
I was so pissed that she didn't get Hurlstone. Cow poo and chicken diarrheou? PUH-lease, I would do anything if it meant that I got to visit Hurlstone ;)
Anyway, I should stop now. I've got piano lessons soon (which I haven't practiced for, for the whole week) and I haven't even touched maths hw yet - hexic was just too important.
Cyas <3
P.S Pinch and a punch for the first day of the month

cynthia sucks :D LOL . remember to bring it to america and infect it for me yeh?