10 Things I Hate

Last month, I made a list of the things I liked. This time, I'm listing the things I hate.

1. I hate change.I hate when things aren't the same anymore. I hate not knowing what's gonna happen next. A doctor once told me I was "resistant to change". He was right TT'

2. I hate people who have a lot of hate...(HAHA, that probably includes myself...)


4. I hate the bloody swine flu. Stupid flu might cost me my vacation ><

5. I hate people who only recently just liked Twilight. I hate how they go, " OMGOSH it's such a good book. I have like, the whole collection and you should TOTALLY READ IT!" Oh yeh? Why didn't you bloody read it 3 YEARS AGO. (maybe I'm being unfair but that somehow just pisses me off so bad.)

6. I hate people who steal my Edward. *see number 5*

7. I hate tutoring hw, ANY HOMEWORK. period.

8. I hate child prodigies. How come some people are born so talented? It's not fair. Same to people who's parents were musically talented or something and it runs in the family. Where is the justice in THAT?!

9. I hate studying the wrong things for tests.

10. I hate having mandarin seeds spat onto my shoes. >_>

*sorry if I offended anyone. It wasn't on purpose, I'm just listing things I hate :)

2 Responses to “10 Things I Hate”
  1. Nancy Luu says:

    i know you love mandarin seeds ;)

  2. Cynthia says:

    only when i'm the one spitting them XD

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