Posted on Monday, March 9, 2009 · 1 Comment
Hellos ppls
It feels like I haven't blogged in a while but its only been two days. Well what can I say? Life is so hectic right now. I feel sick everyday so I'll probably stay home tomorrow :p
Juliana if you're reading this, I think you need 2 bring textbook 2morrow. Sorry :(
There's nothing more to blog about. -the novelty has worn off-
I don't feel like talking about school coz everyone knows what happens at school anyways.
Guess how I felt in period one? sick.
Period two? dead
Period three? .... four?... five?
So you get the point.
Now let me describe my pain. Visualise little people stabbing sticks into your side. and imagine bubbles popping up on your skin and then stinging every few seconds. Now times that by a hundred. feel the pain
I guess I should go back to doing work. Oh yeh, and everytime Mr Ngov writes down what questions we do from the textbook, I copy it down into my book with either blue, red or black pen. I'm making an American flag =D
<3 Sinfeeyaa
P.S I won in table tennis. NO BULLS THIS WEEK
P.P.S I have developed a liking for trees.

Haha. So unpatriotic to Australia.