Posted on Saturday, February 21, 2009 · 1 Comment
I have tutoring in 2 and a half hours TT' One day my head will explode from all the math formulas stuffed into it.
Anyways I spent the whole morning doing basically.. nothing. Right now, I'm gonna write down the first things that come into my mind. Oh yeah, and I'm also listening a weird/distracting CD while writing this so excuse me if I'm skipping words or something.
I was looking through some of my pictures and I found this one. Hehe, I took it during yum-cha. You won't believe how much skill it takes to make a heart with tea leaves.
Haha, you see that playlist to the left of the screen? That thing took 2 hours to get right. I spent all that time trying to make it fit into the sidebar >:( Even now, its still not fitting properly. Its got lots of songs by Taylor Swift + some old songs that I really liked before.
One day, I'm gonna get fat by sitting here blogging. I should really start running in the mornings again... I was gonna go swimming today but then, my sis didn't go for her lessons so I was like NAHHH. I'll sit here and do nothing instead. Don't get me wrong, I'm really a very active person, but only when I feel like it and not in the afternoons or mornings.
OMG photo day tomorrow. Haha, I woke up this morning with my hair sticking straight up. Like a bloody toilet scrubber. I don't like short hair .
Okay, i have run out of things to talk about now. Have a nice day ppls :)
P.S Lyanna, you are a GENIUS. XD
lols, and to what do i owe the pleasure of being a genius ? :L