Posted on Wednesday, October 10, 2012 · Leave a Comment
Most people wouldn't celebrate a 712th post but seeing as I forgot to celebrate my 700th post a few weeks ago, well, this should make up for it.
Random post is random.
- The only thing I hate more than the actual HSC is waiting for the HSC. It's driving me ~CRAAAAAZYYYY~ *insert spastic arm flail* At the beginning of the holidays, I was all like, "If I'm prepared, it shouldn't be too bad" but now I'm like, "OH SHIZ WHAT IF THE QUESTION IS STRANGE AND UNANSWERABLE?!?!"
- I don't know why I suddenly remember this but there was this one time when I was at Jazz practice at the RSL and my friend and I were talking about me having gotten into the OC class when out of nowhere, this other girl pops up and screams, "OMG YOU GOT INTO THE OC?! THAT'S MY FAVOURITE SHOW!!"
- I've been watching lots of Kingsley videos to procrastinate.
- With every day that passes, the fucks I give about English Extension exponentially decreases.
- I can't wait until the HSC is over and I can finally do stuff without feeling guilty.
- I keep going downstairs to get food in an attempt to put off studying, and when I eat, I eat extra, extra slowly so I don't have to get back to work.
- I still haven't watched Spiderman or the new Batman movie.
- The covers of historical romances make me laugh. Wait no - I should rephrase - the covers of every type of romance book, be it historical, paranormal, contemporary or mystery-thriller are capable of making me break out into giggles because they're so cheesy and remind me of bad photoshop. Even amateur instagram photos look a hundred times better.
- I really feel like playing Sims all of a sudden... or Skyrim.... or something....
- Today I walked outside to bring the rubbish bin in and the sun on my face was such a foreign feeling. I would've stayed outside but I was in my PJs and thongs and my neighbour was giving me weird looks. If you're wondering, my neighbour is like, 6 or 7 and my mum calls him Harry Potter because he resembles the young, boy wizard. I also think he has a crush on my sister.
- I lost my train of thought and can't be bothered continuing this post.
- Til next time, guys!