Posted on Sunday, December 11, 2011 · 3 Comments
Last night I dreamt that I was pregnant.... and it was the most horrifying moment of my life. I haven't gotten a nightmare in ages - AGES. Like I literally think it's been years since I've had a nightmare. But this one totally made up for it, because for a second there, I really believed it. I believed that for some strange reason I'd gotten pregnant LOL. I had to tell my parents and then I had to tell the school. And then it sunk in that I would have to put school on hold even though I was so close to doing my HSC. My future was ruined. I would have to take care of a baby for the rest of my life - a baby that I absolutely did not want and did not care for at all. My five and a half years of school would be flushed down the drain, I had no money and it was very likely that without any qualifications, I would have no job either. It was so messed up. And when I woke up and realised that it was just a dream, it was just the most extreme feeling of relief ever. Words cannot describe how grateful I was. STUPID DREAM BABY, Y U RUIN MY LIFE FOR?!?!?!
Well there you go. Just a spot of extreme randomness that I had to get off my chest. I would take being Princess Speck over being pregnant any day.
WOAH WOAH WOAH! Man, that is one extreme dream there ... O_O
Could you subconscious be telling you something? HAHA jks :L
HAHAHA don't worry. I once had a dream Michael was pregnant. No logic there whatsoever.