Taylor Swift, Tattoos and the End of Year 10

Happy Late Halloween? (SHINee style)

I have so much to say but when I start thinking about what to write, a whole lot of nothingness comes rushing out. I'll just leave this window open and type whatever comes to mind while I'm "studying" for history. Also if sentences are my like this it's probably because I'm listening to Taylor Swift's album while typing this (thanks jessica). Taylor Swift + blogging = unintelligible/incoherent/garbled posts :)

"Fear less, hope more;
eat less, chew more;
whine less, breathe more;
talk less, say more;
love more, and all good things will be yours." -
Swedish Proverb

I don't really understand how you can "eat less and chew more" but I guess this one can't be taken too literally. Although, I do like it cause it rhymes.

I will miss Year 10. I'll miss having classes with my friends, especially since most of the subjects I chose for Year 11 are different from theirs'. Everyone's still gonna see each other at lunch, recess and some subjects I guess, but it's not the same is it? Especially since most of us have stuck together since Year 7. I hope we don't drift... That'll be the worst.
Random Pic to separate my paragraphs :)
Hmm... what has happened since I last blogged? Well, my neighbours moved out. Actually they were kicked out for not having paid their rent for three months. I heard from my dad who heard from my aunty who heard from another neighbour that the police had come one night and told them to pack up their stuff and move out. I walked outside on Monday and saw a white sign stuck on their window and no furniture in their house. They were a bit strange... but I liked hearing the music coming from their house. Their family had awesome singers. It was better than listening to the radio sometimes. I wonder who's going to move in next?

Last night I dreamt that I'd gotten a tattoo and I spent the whole day at school trying to hide it from people. And when I got home, I was fully paranoid that my parents would find out as well. It was such a pretty tattoo though. It made me want to get one in real life - and then I remembered that that would involve needles piercing my skin and injecting some kind of ink into the layer beneath my skin and it would probably hurt.... a lot. Yeh... Reading Ink Exchange before sleeping is not a good influence.
Absolutely fantabulous cover / not-so-good book.

I think I'll stop blogging now. Ja ne~ ^^

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