Friendly Redirection

You really should stop following this blog if you haven't already haha. Go here instead: There's more stuff to see.

Move Along, Nothing to See Here

It freaks me out that the view count on this blog still goes up even though it's long been inactive. I know they probably all come from spam sites but what if there's a chance that someone is still reading this blog thinking that the stuff is current? Or worse, what if someone knows that this blog is inactive but still likes trolling through the archives to check out all the painfully embarrassing shit I wrote when I was in year 9? Oh god.


Sad Cynthia is back and she's being a total bitch to Normal Cynthia, making her even more confused and stressed about life. Go away Sad Cynthia, nobody wants you here.

Hello Old Friend

Hello my old blog. I've missed you. Thinking back, C's Reverie was a really appropriate name for this blog. After all, I spent my entire high school life in a bubble of happiness and obliviousness. Oh what I would give to return to that bubble... Come to think of it, I really should rename the new blog, "C's Reality (Sucks Epic Monkey Balls)".

Merry Rainy Christmas

Hello world. I'm not sure what I'm doing with my life anymore. Yep. Just thought I'd let it out here. The world ending was supposed to solve all my problems about my undecided future. Alas, the universe malfunctioned at malfunctioning. So here I am, staring at the UAC guide, rethinking (for the upteenth time) my future career (if I will even have one). And on a side note, my Grandma bought lots of tinned ham and rice in preparation for Doomsday and now she doesn't know what to do with her excess supplies. Free food anybody?
Oh and Merry Christmas everybody! Hopefully Santa left you a present - he seems to have skipped my house.

Role Model

I'm not an arrogant person. Really I'm not. In fact I tend to be extremely self-deprecating at times. But when it comes to my sister, I can become a conceited ass-head. I can't help it. I like making her feel inferior.

Exhibit 1: Our SMS conversation during her last period of school.

(14:52) C: State ranking bitches. Sixth in the state for mathematics :L


(14:54) C: Your sister is a genius bruh. Now you have to get 1st.

(14:55) S: ..............................


(14:55) S: #destinedtofail

P.S. This blog has moved to a new location! LOL there were definitely stragglers the last time.

A Reminder That I've Moved Blogs

Hulloooooooooooo!! Any stragglers left behind at None? You sure? (If so, the new blog is at Okay awesome. Just checking 'cause it has happened to me before... I once spent about 4 months wondering why a friend of mine had stopped blogging only to realise that they'd only changed the blog url and moved their blog somewhere else.


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