Posted on Friday, September 21, 2012 · Leave a Comment
Can't be bothered blogging properly so I'm just gonna repost what I wrote on facebook:
LONG MESSAGE IS LONG - I know "thank you" doesn't cover it, but I'm going to try anyway: First off, a massive THANK YOU to everyone who wished me a happy birthday - yes, even if you only said it because everyone else was saying it. I understand. I do that too. lol. THANK YOU to the rainbow, hummer girls - if JK Rowling wrote an 8th HP book and filled it with buttloads of magic and badassery, it would not be half as awesome as you guys. Siriusly. THANKS to the grade for turning up to my b'day party, haha, okay, not really. THANKS to the people who sang "happy birthday" to me while I was on the toilet. Classy girls, real classy. THANKS for all the spastic dancing, great food and Gangnam Style-ing. And last but not least, THANK YOU ALL FOR BEING THE BEST GRADE THAT EVER LIVED. You guys are enthusiastic, friendly, loud, beautiful, smart, bizarre, unique, sexy and extraordinary. My only regret is that there was not enough time - there were so many of you's that I wanted to know better but I guess time just ran out. I will miss you Class of '12 - stay safe, stay optimistic and most of all, STAY HAPPY - that is the whole point of life after all.
Can I just say, I have a whole lot more respect for the hairdressing profession right now. They managed to turn this:
Into this:
HAIRDRESSERS FTW!! F*ck journalism, I'm gonna go into hairdressing LOL. Jokes.... kinda....
Anyhoo, most pictures are up on facebook so I'm not gonna post many here. I'll just upload a few of my favourites. I hope people don't mind me using some of their photos. I was mostly camera-less for the night, haha.
I was flicking through photos and I realised that I have exactly the same expression in every single one of them. It's like the background changes, but my face doesn't.
And just for the lols:
Haha, I was definitely cuter before.