Posted on Saturday, September 15, 2012 · Leave a Comment
I have a lot of questions running through my mind at the moment, of which the most infuriating one must be,
Oh wait - I think I got - no, actually nevermind.
I'm dying from the curiosity here - seriously dying.
On to other news, I'm graduating in about a week. Thirteen years of schooling - gone - BAM - done and dusted. Well not really, since there's still the HSC but whatever, it's only the HSC. Surprisingly, I don't feel sad. Not at all. It just doesn't feel like the end, plus, I feel like if I have to spend any more time holed up in a classroom being forced to write essays, my head would start imploding.
Speaking of heads, I just spent 2 hours of my life looking up hairstyles for the formal. Everything I found was either too hard to do or just not worth the effort. I don't think I want to go to a hairdresser's to get my hair done - $40 to $50 just for someone to wield hair-spray and a curling iron when I could do it for free? Errr, I might just do it myself...
Although, prior experience has led me to believe that Cynthia + A Curling Iron =
Um yeah, you might want to rethink the shampoo - I don't think it's working...
Yup. Sigh. This formal's more trouble than its worth. Ah well, I'll figure something out... eventually.
There's also the small matter of the dress - namely the fact that mine has a tendency to pull a "melting popsicle" and slowly, but surely end up pooled onto the floor.
Uh huh. I really do not want that to happen - and I'm betting no one else wants that to happen either - not unless they have plans to throw up everything that they've eaten on the night.
I'm thinking I'm gonna need dress tape. Lots of dress tape. Preferably, a whole body's worth of dress tape (just to be sure). Hell, I'm just gonna wrap myself in the stuff before I step into my dress. It should be fine, I think, as long as I make sure to permanently exhale (cause inhaling causes the dress to slip) and remember not to throw my hands up in the air. Dammit, my plans to dance epic-ly to Gangnam Style have been foiled! I'll just have to make do with awkward side steps, all the while keeping my arms plastered to my side and my dress hitched up to my armpits. And DEFINITELY, none of this stuff: