Posted on Monday, September 10, 2012 · 2 Comments
Almost good enough for Eurovision....
It's from Britain's Horrible History series on BBC. I'm not exactly sure how I came across it. One minute, I was researching chimney sweepers and the next, I was watching this.
Description for the video is:
Egyptian pharaoh Cleopatra was the queen of bad romances; she sent the most powerful men in the ancient world gaga!
Eyyyyy, I see what you did there... I picked up on about 3 direct references in the song. LOL. If only children's television was this entertaining 13 years ago - imagine how much I could've learnt.
...I think I just learnt more about Cleopatra than I will probably ever learn in a history course... Also, I feel as if I've been scarred for life. LOL
Hahahaha yeah I know what you mean. Did you pick up on the Lady Gaga references in the song?