Posted on Saturday, June 16, 2012 · 2 Comments
There are no spoilers in this post. Only gifs. Lots of gifs. Cause I love me my gifs. So without further ado: Cynthia's Reaction to the Season Finale of Once Upon a Time in Gifs.
As you can see, I am very happy with the finale. I was surprised the writers went there... I never would have expected it in a billion years - especially in a show such as this. And yes this show is like 90% cheese but oh, how I love it. It's got so much story (heh) and heart. After each episode, I feel like running outside and chasing after rainbows and unicorns. Plus, after watching Doctor Who, my campy-ness tolerance is all the way up there anyway.
And oh god, so many old characters had cameos in the finale. And ******* was ******* with ******* and I went crazy during those scenes. AAARRRGHH SOMEBODY WATCH THE SHOW PLEASE SO I CAN SPAZ WITH YOU.
Only this show can make me want to simultaneously throw my shoes at the TV screen and hug the darned thing. Now I have to wait till after the HSC. Oh god, I hate the wait.
I should really watch this, shouldn't I...
Yup. My advice is stick with it at the beginning because it gets so awesome later on.