Posted on Friday, June 1, 2012 · Leave a Comment
Have you ever tried googling yourself? Of course you have! Everyone has - at some point in their lives. I haven't done that in a while so I tried, expecting to see this blog pop up. It didn't. What popped up was my twitter account (which I haven't used in about 60 years), my youtube account (which, before you ask, is only ever used for subscribing - not uploading) and some HSC band 6 honours roll thingo. Oh, and some other person's blog... but not mine. Actually, there was one other thing. The Fairfield Champion article about the Italy/France trip also popped up on the first google search page and in it, it said:
"Learning and studying about other cultures was a lot of fun and created wonderful memories and friendships," said year 11 student Cynthia *lastnamehiddenforprivacypurposes*. "The 13-day trip was enough. However, I wouldn't have minded a few more days. If I have the chance to go again, I would definitely go."
Hey look, I'm famous! LOL jokes, not really... Damn, one of my few moments of fame and I had to come up with such a generic/lame comment. Sad.
Speaking of sad people, I was doing my legal studies research task just a few hours ago and naturally, I came across a site about sperm donation (no I'm not perverted - the assessment's about birth technologies). It is quite hilarious what people tend to ask on those sites. I want to preserve people's privacy so instead of copying and pasting a typical question word by word, I'm going to rephrase it in my own way. However, this is really what these questions actually sound like:
"Hi, I am a handsome, intelligent, extremely fit (not to mention tall and sexy) man looking to donate. I have no doubt my seed are of a far superior quality. How do I go about doing this?"
^ LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Obnoxious much? Some guys even asked if they could have the nurse "assist" them. I found that HILARIOUS because no way does that ever happen in real life (only in lame American movies).
What? You don't find it funny? Boo, you're no fun.
Uh Oh. I just realised, that after this, if anyone was ever to google my name again, THIS post might pop up... THIS post - in which I talk about birth technologies and sperm donation. Whoops.
So anyway, I can't think of anything else to write.... so have a gif instead:
interesting stuff