Posted on Monday, May 14, 2012 · 3 Comments
Your typical teenage post about typical teenage problems. Don't be expecting anything mature and intellectual (as if I ever write intellectual posts anyway).
I want:
To curl up in bed and just sleep past 7:20 every day. I want to stay cooped up at home reading trashy historical romances for 3 hours straight (have just graduated from paranormal romances. My reading preferences reflect the circumstances of my life - they're insubstantial and all over the place). I want The Great Gatsby to self immolate and poof up out of my life. I wish Daisy Buchanan would get run over by a car. I want to watch The Voice tonight. But I can't... cause there's these thing called the HSC which I am a little bit worried about. I want to replace all my english homework with maths homework. I want to stop feeling so unmotivated. I want the weather to warm up. I want to stop freezing my ass off in maths class. I want to stop blogging now because it's cutting into my "study" time.
Amen sister. I hate english with a passion. I'm seriously considering dropping both of my extension units -.-
*virtual high five* I hate it too. I don't even know what happened. I used to like English...
Same here. Before year 12 happened. Now I'm really wishing I was good at maths and could do 4u or something. Good old solid maths where there's only one possible answer and no flowery explanations required