Posted on Monday, April 2, 2012 · 1 Comment
I'm blogging so much this week! Don't worry, I'll get bored... eventually. I can't help myself. I feel like showing you guys all this random stuff; such as this clip from episode 6 of Shut Up! I quite like the song. It's called "Jaywalking". It's not the whole thing though because at around the 2:30 mark, shit happens. You should watch it in HD. No really, you should.
Anyway enjoy the song... and if not, there's always the eye candy. (Seriously, this drama has an excess of beautiful people. Why so perfect everyone? WHY?)
Original link:
Well now that I'm in one of my crazy, obsessed drama phases, y'all better watch out for all my future posts. I tend to go a bit.... overboard in expressing my love for things. Especially when those things are tall, sexy and Korean.
You have been warned.
this drama is on my 'after-hsc-i-must-watch-this' list :( damn you and your blog posts, i want to watch it now :(