Posted on Saturday, April 28, 2012 · Leave a Comment
I realised a few things today.
1. I still have book ADD. Everything's boring and everything sucks. I pick up a book, read like ten chapters and then get bored. I'm too lazy to read something intellectually stimulating but at the same time, I feel like I should stop reading easy/light books. I'm getting tired of the same plotlines/characters and I'm pretty sure I can feel my brain turn into mush and my literary skills deteriorate with every new novel. After a while, everything just blends into one. This also extends to the Sookie series too. Maybe I should just take a break and then go back to it. The series isn't bad. I just don't feel involved in the story (yet). It might be because I'm not putting in enough effort to feel involved. I also realised that I'm still suffering from Fever Series withdrawal. LOL fail.
2. My book ADD morphed into drama ADD. I can't bring myself to finish TV dramas either... more specifically Chuck. It's not that it was bad. I think I just stopped watching it for a while and I lost interest. Ha, story of my life.
3. I'm still in holiday mode. I can't bring myself to do any homework.
4. I hate driving. Why can't someone just invent jetpacks? Then we could fly everywhere.
5. I think I'm suffering from blogging ADD too. I can't be bothered continuing this post...
Goodbye guys. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.