Posted on Saturday, March 31, 2012 · Leave a Comment
I will not watch dramas I will not watch dramas I will not watch dramas I will not watch dramas I will not watch dramas I will not watch dramas I will not watch dramas I will not watch dramas I will not watch dramas I will not watch dramas I will not watch dramas I will not watch dramas I will not watch dramas..... Ahhh shit, too late.
Welcome to my new obsession:
Well.... that resolution flew out the window pretty fast. To be fair though, I did last a term without watching anything Korean. At first I consoled myself with the fact that after week of grueling exams, I at least deserved this. But now, the guilt's starting to creep up on me. WHAT HAVE I DONE?!?! I can feel the drama crack kickin' in already. Ugh. Addiction. Such a hard thing to break.
Oh well, I should at least enjoy the eye candy while I can. This is a really interesting one. It's called Shut Up! Flower Boy Band. Hahahaha. Yeah, unfortunately they had to stick the "flower boy" in there because it's a brand thing. Apart from that though, it's not actually a very "flowery" type drama. It's got that really gritty, indie feel to it which I like. Not many Korean dramas do that. And so far, none of the characters have made me want to punch something.... True, the main girl kind of gets on my nerves a little - but that's only because she resembles one of my least-liked cousins. What can I say? I can be rather petty at times :)