Posted on Wednesday, March 14, 2012 · Leave a Comment
So with all the assessments and stuff that have been going on lately, I nearly forgot that The Hunger Games was coming out next week. It's true; I've been posting all the videos and getting all hyped up and stuff but it kind of slipped my mind when the actual release date was (23rd March, if you're wondering).
Before I go any further, I think I WILL be going laser tag after all guys. I need to shoot something - preferably my Extension 2 Major Work but I'll make do with shooting Nancy instead.
Ahem. Okay so since we have our half yearlies in Week 10 and next week we'll probably be holed up in our rooms studying, I figured that if anyone's interested, we could go see the movie next, next Friday. As in on the 31st of March (End of week 10). I'm pretty sure exams finish on that day anyway (my last one is Legal Studies and honestly, I'm going to need the excitement, otherwise I'll fall into a coma whilst writing my shelter essay).
If there are clashes with the time then we can schedule it to another day.
So let me know if you guys are interested. Actually even if you're not interested, I'll probably end up pressuring you to go watch it with me. I'm very good at doing that.... wearing people down until they end up shouting, "FINE YOU LOSER, I'LL GO JUST TO MAKE YOU SHUT UP!"
Okay guys? OKAY! I'M SO EXCITEDDDDDDDD!!!! *flails arms around like a crazy Italian grandma*
BTW, the movie premiered in America yesterday and from what I can see from the fansites, it has stayed really really true to the books. Obviously, if Susanne Collins is writing the script, it's kind of expected. The response seems to be overwhelming positive so far.
Anyhow, here, have some pictures of beautiful people looking beautiful at The Hunger Games Premiere:
I like this one because the fire in the background looks like wings :)
Foxface (Jackie Emerson)
Prim, who by the way has awesome hair.... or maybe it's just the lighting, I'm not really sure.
Rue *cries tears of sadness forever*
Clove, played by that creepy girl from Orphan.
Alexander Ludwig - who I heard was BRILLIANT in the film.
Seneca Crane, I think?
And the lovely Suzanne Collins and Gary Ross.
Photo source: