Posted on Saturday, March 10, 2012 · Leave a Comment
Every time I hear Liam's voice, I do a double-take because it's just so Australian. Living in Aus, you don't really notice that there's an accent but once you grab an Aussie actor and shove him in an American production, it just becomes like, a billion times more pronounced.
On a side note though, it feels like the whole HG phase is picking up speed now. Walking round school at lunch and recess, you notice more people carrying the books or talking about it. My sister says the same thing's happening at her school. Whereas before, people would just give you a "WTF is The Hunger Games, it must be a crap book because I've never heard of it" look, now they're fangirling in the hallways and saying stuff like, "OMG, the movie is gonna be so awesome!"
I'm happy for it - the book deserves to get so much more recognition. But I suppose it grates a little that people are only getting into it now. That's a common feeling I guess. You see it everywhere (on youtube most especially): the whole "I saw this song/book/movie much earlier than you did so therefore I have a much bigger "claim" to it," mentality. Ha. I should stop being so petty. Everyone has a right to spaz over The Hunger Games, regardless of when they read it. After all, I also have a tendency to get into things a bit late (especially when it comes to music).
The Hunger Games