Posted on Sunday, March 25, 2012 · Leave a Comment
Jokes. You can read this if you want. Although, REALLY you should be studying for maths right about now. And speaking of maths, can I just say that it has now become my favourite subject. MATHS I FUCKING LOVE YOU SO VERY MUCH. You won't ever betray me, not like stupid english. Grrr english...
Man, I feel so lazy after finishing just one test. Focus Cynthia, focus! Okay, I shall go read my legal notes. Seriously though, looking over my notes never makes me feel like I'm achieving anything. In fact this is what usually happens: Conveyancing Act... doli incapax... prima facie... rehabilitation... CROC..... ZZZzzzzz.......*pass out on desk*
Wait, one last thing.
Taemin, what the frack did they do to your hair?!?!
Seriously this has got to stop! Who gave you permission to have nicer hair than me?? WHO??