Posted on Wednesday, February 1, 2012 · 1 Comment
Romanticism should go die in a hole.
And that's all I have to say about that.
Okay okay I lied. I actually do have more to say. (To echo the words of my favourite Korean drama blogger, Javabeans, "Brevity is not my friend. I want to be its friend, but it shuns me regularly.") So let me clarify. I don't HATE Romanticism as a topic per se, I just hate how difficult it is to find related texts for the subject.
You must be thinking, how is that possible? There must be a billion books and poems out there about Romanticism! That might be true but the fact is, I would rather stick pins into my eyeballs than read any more poetry or classical literature.
For example, while I was haunting the library today (I use the word haunting because everytime I'm in there, I feel like Moaning Myrtle. Seriously, try spending 12 periods a week in there and see if you don't go insane) I decided that I should probably get a head start on finding related texts. Predictably, the library didn't have anything. So I tried reading something on my laptop. Three chapters into Mopey Dickhead Moby Dick, I felt like giving up. Not because it's bad or anything but just because books like that no longer capture my attention. I want to read something entertaining that doesn't require functioning brain cells. And plus, I HATE choosing related texts. I HATE IT. How do you know what you choose is going to be relevant for the HSC question? What if the Romanticism question deals with imagination but the texts that I've chosen barely mention anything about it. What would I do?? My whole HSC could quite possibly hinge on that one question and its marks.
Le sigh. Whatever. I'm just gonna bo back to doing maths homework. Good ol' dependable maths - too predictable and monotonous to ever become a threat to my HSC. (Oh damn, did I just jinx myself?).
P.S. If you're reading this Othilia, maths homework is question 1-7 of exercise 5.8, and the whole of 5.9. I tried ringing you to tell you that but no one picked up the phone.
Try Frankenstein, if you're not already doing it at school.