Posted on Saturday, February 4, 2012 · Leave a Comment
Tutor's been cancelled today! Yaaaaaaay!!
Yes. Welcome back, my most over-used happy gif. It's just that, I don't actually have anything happier than spastic Matt Smitha and Karen Gillan, so you'll just have to do.
It's Sunday today and at this point in time, I feel quite happy. If my mood over a specific time period was graphed out, I believe it would look like a sine curve. I'm always so prone to fluctuating from highs to lows to highs again. Don't worry, it's not bi-polar, it's just me. And I believe Extension 2 has something to do with it. If I've worked on it recently and I'm okay with what I've done, my mood rises. But if I've neglected it for a while and I know I really should be dedicating some time to but just can't find the will to do anything, my mood starts sinking back down. And the cycle will inevitably repeat. That's the curse of a major work. If you do Visual Arts,Drama, History Extension or English Extension 2, you will know what I mean.