Posted on Friday, February 3, 2012 · Leave a Comment
Ever since I started Year 12, I've been hanging around the library a lot. Actually I practically live there, since it has become my temporary maths classroom as well. Anyway, I've been noticing that in my free periods, people that normally don't talk to me (or even know I exist) have been approaching me and asking me how many hours I study a night.
THAT IS AN ENTIRELY LEGIT QUESTION... which I don't know how to answer because I don't "study". I do homework and if I feel like it, pretend to make notes for the sake of acting productive. So at this point, my expression is like the one above because inwardly, I'm panicking. If I say I don't study a lot, I put my nerd-status at risk. And if I say I spend 6 hours a night reviewing notes or something, I would be lying and people would start running away from me in fear.
So yeah, just something pointless I wanted to share. I now feel more motivated to study lol. But don't worry, it will pass.