Posted on Saturday, January 14, 2012 · 1 Comment
No really, where did they go? Six weeks is supposed to be a long time. Instead, they're going by so fast that I can't even feel them disappear. The first two weeks were alright. They went by at a normal pace (probably because I was so used to the constant rushing of school). And then for the past two weeks, they just zoomed past. Poof! Gone. Just like Hugh Jackman in The Prestige when he does that disappearing trick.
Anyway, I have just sent Mr M an email on studywiz about English Extension 2 in which I sounded like a deranged, wild-eyed psychopath having a mental breakdown. Just kidding. I did send him an email though about the major work although I doubt he'll reply since he told us he doesn't use studywiz. (I really shouldn't hate EX2 that much. I get the feeling that all this negative blogging about it is adding to my endless frustration). Positive thinking all the way!!!
Ughh I need a distraction. Hey Tian, let's go watch Sherlock Holmes..... someday.