I'm Still Alive

Yeah, just in case you thought I'd fallen into a coma from too much Skyrim.

So what have I been up to? Um, yesterday I went to my first Mexican themed party - it was my cousin and his girlfriend's birthday party and they went all out. There are pictures over at Nancy's blog so I can't be bothered elaborating.

I shopped. A lot. And bought lots of useless junk from DAISO which I will most likely never use (such as a plastic thingy-ma-bob which moulds boiled eggs). Seriously, what will I use that for?

I'm rewatching Boys Over Flowers and laughing over how illogical the whole thing is. So many cliches in that drama and so many faults. But I still love it :)

And yeah, I was going to write more but the TV is distracting me. Annyeong!

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